Autism Light #268 is Hernando High School Interact Club.
Hernando High School is located in Hernando, Mississippi in DeSota County, Mississippi. The high school's Interact Club has provided leadership for an annual community observance of the "Light It Up Blue" Campaign, beginning in April, 2012, in observance of World Autism Awareness Day. Hernando High School's Interact Club is an Autism Light for leading their community in the Autism Speaks Light It Up Blue Campaign for Autism Awareness Day in April.
For two years Hernando High School's Interact Club has been able to get the high school and many community businesses to light their buildings up blue. Holly Neel and Angela Gregg are two of the clubs teacher/sponsors.
2012 "Light It Up Blue": Here is a video of Hernando High School's Interact Clubs first "Light It Up Blue" project in 2012 that was produced by Kerry Magro for Kerry's Corner. Kerry Magro was Autism Light #119.
The "Light It Up Blue" Campaign was a highlight of the Interact Club's goal to serve their community and earned them the "Business of the Month" award in May, 2012. The school's website explains the importance of the "Light It Up Blue" campaign to the Interact Club organization in this way.
Hernando High School Interact Club, which is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Hernando, is made up of approximately 110 members and 4 sponsors. In April of 2012, the HHS Interact Club hosted the first "Light It Up Blue" event at Hernando's historic Square. This event brought over 500 people to the square in hopes of spreading autism awareness (Source).
2013 "Light It Up Blue": Hernando High School's Interact Club held their 2nd Annual "Light It Up Blue" campaign in 2013. Here is a video of their special efforts in 2013.
Thanks to the efforts of the Interact Club, there is now a special "Light It Up Blue" page as part of the Clubs and Organizations at Hernando High School Website and "Light It Up Blue" has become an annual event for the high school and community. Special thanks to the Hernando High School Interact Club. It is hoped that the example they have set will influence those that follow them at Hernando High School and other schools around the world to lead autism awareness in their communities.
Autism Light honors diverse heroes to the world of autism.
Just saw your rendition of "Uptown Funk" on Facebook. It was awesome!!!! I am so proud of all of you for doing this for Autism Speaks. As a mother of an Autistic son, I really appreciate your efforts in letting the nation know about Autism and how prevalent it is too. Here in Michigan, we have a "light it up blue" event for Autism as well. Thanks again for your fine efforts and talent!