
Thursday, December 4, 2014

My Autistic Muslim Child

Autism Light Classic
Updated on December 23, 2015. 

Autism Light #368 is the My Autistic Muslim Child Blog.

The blog My Autistic Muslim Child was started in February, 2010, and is written by an autism mother from Orlando, Florida whose son Amin has autism. My Autistic Muslim Child is an Autism Light because it is uniquely supporting autism families in the Muslim community through the encouragement it provides on the blog. The blog can be found at

Spiritual Encouragement: There is a label on the right side of the blog that emphasizes the hope the blog tries to bring to other parents in the Muslim faith that says, "Never Give up Hope of Allah's mercy." That heading is followed by a quote from the Quran 12:87, "Certainly no one despairs of Allah's mercy, except the people who disbelieve."

The creator of the blog describes her purpose for the blog in this manner,
I realized that I needed to do something to show my fellow Muslim parents that autism is part of our lives, and that we should accept Allah's decree, and move forward. We continue to make du'a for him to outgrow this condition, and we have the greatest of hope and trust in Allah that He will continue to show us amazing things from this amazing child who is special in so many ways (My Autistic Muslim Child, About).
The tag line on the blog My Autistic Muslim Child is "A Site for Learning, Sharing and Support for Muslim Families." The helpfulness of this blog is in no way limited to the Muslim community, although the passion to help that faith community is clear. The blogger provides varied posts that range from research to inspirational encouragement.

The blog My Autistic Muslim Child is a blessing to the autism community, specifically for how it shines a light on the journey families in the Muslim community travel. While the blog is specifically of value to Muslim families desiring to learn, grow, and share the bond of community, those outside the Muslim faith can certainly read the blog to learn about the Muslim faith, varying aspects of autism, and the art of being a devoted autism mother.

Autism Light honors diverse heroes to the world of autism. 

Special Note: The blog references all new posts being placed on a new website at, but that was found to be offline upon a review of this post on December 23, 2015. We have changed the links for the time being to the website which was apparently the original website the blogger developed. Please leave a comment if the new website is back online.

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