
Friday, December 2, 2011

Autism Light #100 to Be Named

For Immediate Release.

Hours away from naming its 100 hero of autism, the "feel good" blog known as Autism Light is encouraging a growing number of people in the autism community through the sharing of inspiring stories of diverse heroes in and for the autism community. Readers can now find indexes and quotes from past Autism Lights as well as a recently created section that will offer spotlights on special autism themes that are important to multiple Autism Lights.

Carly Fleischmann was named Autism Light #1 on June 22, 2011. Since then readers of the Autism Light blog have been taken on a journey around the world and to 31 different states in America to learn about a diverse group of 100 heroes for autism. 20% of the heroes have autism and 34% are parents of autistic people. The creator of the blog, Alan Stokes, himself is a parent of a son with autism.

Chris Harris, a parent of a child with autism wrote about the blog, "Saying Autism Light is amazing and inspiring doesn't even come close to giving it justice. This father of an autistic son is going to do something because of Autism Light. I'm not going to make the mistake of doing nothing because I can only do a little."

The most read about hero at Autism Light has been Gary James, who is devoted to giving away iPads to children with autism in every state in the United States. The second most read about hero has been Jack and Maureen Fanning. Jack Fanning, was a fireman killed in the World Trade Center on 9/11, and his widow Maureen Fanning was left to raise two autistic sons on her own and started an autism foundation in her husbands memory.

Some of the heroes are rich and famous celebrities or athletes but many others are average people making a difference with whatever talents and resources are at their disposal. Autism Light content is easy to follow through popular social media like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, YouTube or Blogger.

Alan Stokes says, "Our goal is to find and share on the blog the stories of the next 100 Autism Lights by the end of Autism Awareness Month in April, 2012. We plan to expand our look at international heroes and hope to have a representative of every state in the United States." Join us on a continued journey to discover diverse heroes to the autism community. Each one in their own way will leave us with the impression that it is better to light a candle than to curse the autism.

For more information on Autism Light contact:  Alan Stokes at

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